Course I will still have some glamour shots, because that's fun too. It is makeup after all.
This blog will be reviews, tips, and tutorials on how to do makeup, what to use, different techniques, etc., etc.
I don't really care how you do it, I don't care if you screw it up, I do all the time. Sometimes, stuff like this happens:
That's me thinking I look really dope, but all the makeup melted off my nose. Combo skin girl!! I deal with some of the problems of both an oily skin person and a dry skin person, so I do understand more skin issues than I think someone with just dry or just oily skin would. (By the way, if you are in a bind, use a paintbrush or makeup brush and apply some milk of magnesia to the places that get oily. Then wipe it away after it dries into a mask with a wet washcloth and apply your makeup as normal. Works like a charm. I rarely have to powder when I do this. Don't put it on any skin that gets dry, if by accident you do, quickly remove it with a wet washcloth and moisturize it afterward.)
No claims of perfection here, but I do have some awesome tips, if I do say so myself, that can help you out, regardless of who you are or who you claim to be :) (haha thinking of the people with straight-up glamour shots again).
I've gone out in public with stripes on my nose, clown cheeks, and had an amazing time regardless. I've also embarrassed the crap out of myself. Learning to do things the right way requires an adequate amount of mistakes. It also requires some bravery. So if you're having any issues, feel free to give me some TMI and I'll try to help you out in the next blog. Actually just tell me about anything!! :) I promise I am NOT judgmental :)
Wanted to base the blog off the phrase, "Basket of Crazy" :) Because I think normal is boring!!! Let's be different. Let's be whoever we want to be, whether that's barely any makeup at all, no makeup, a full face of it, whatever. I want to have fun with this, I don't want to be so technical and modelesque or I'll never enjoy it. Life doesn't effing work that way, don't you agree? And because products are kind of crazy and all over the place, here is where you can look at it all in one place, one little basket of beauty :) So that's my blog!!! LOL I hope you like it. Let's please not take ourselves too seriously :) It's makeup!
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