
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Writing Your Makeup Shopping List

Makeup shopping can be so daunting!!!  Every makeup company out there is telling you that you need their product—but chances are, you most likely don’t.  Then you see all of the gorgeous new colors, new finishes, new ways of applying makeup, new textures…new EVERYTHING, and you think, well, what DON’T I need?!  And if you don’t know what you need and do need, chances are you’re going to leave the store with either too little, or far too much!!!

 (yep, that's all my crap!  I love meme generators...)
As silly as it may sound, just like with your grocery shopping, to be economical, whether you are a makeup LOVER like me or simply just like using a little bit of makeup (or if you just don’t know where to start but would like to try it) it REALLY does help to have a makeup shopping list.
As a makeup lover, I own everything you really need for at least basic, no-frills makeup look (Okay.  And then some.  And then some again.).  But sometimes, what I have simply doesn’t seem good enough, or I don’t have the right color, or whatever it is it may be.  And I can’t just walk into a makeup store unarmed--without a shopping list.  It’s very overwhelming for me because I’ll start to think I need something, and then realize, oh yeah, I have that same shade of lipstick from about three different brand-names!!  OY VEY.  Or, oh yeah, I already HAVE a great foundation, why do I need this new one with ‘Spyro-light technology’ (yes, I made that up.).  And ooh sparkles!!!  What was I buying again?!  Should I leave the store now before things get out of hand (solemn head shake of affirmation follows).

So I start out with this list.  It’s a bit like that pros and cons list you might have wrote about boys (or girls) you liked in highschool (or was that just my silly self?!).  Only with MAKEUP! <3

It’s VERY simple.  And it goes like this:

At the top of the list, the title is, “Makeup List.”  There are two sections.  Beneath one is, “I love my: ___” and the other is, “I’d like a better:___”
Then I get down to business.

Here is my legitimate list currently.

Makeup List
I love my: Foundations, Blushes, Lipsticks, Powder, Eyeliners, Face primers, Mascaras.

I’d like a better: Concealer, Highlighter, Bronzer, Lipstain, and a Sparkly Highlighting Lipgloss (for the center of the lip to add fullness and just because it looks pretty, FYI).

(I felt like I needed another image for interest...No??)

Now when I walk into the store, I’m armed.  I can avoid all of the foundations, all of the blushes—which I have way too much of, all of the lipsticks.  And focus on enjoying shopping for what I actually need!!!

If you want to really get fancy (which I often do as I’m quite serious about choosing quality products), you can of course use this list to start reading reviews online about each thing that you are looking for.  Or simply go into the store and start swatching products to get an idea of their quality, and then narrow it down to reading reviews about the ones that swatched best online.  I will often put a swatch on the bare side of my upper arm and then leave it on overnight to see how it performed.

Or if you can’t stand doing all of that, if you MUST, you could always just dive right in, purchase the item you want with a little guidance from the store employees (or no guidance if you must), and then if you hate it, hope the store has a good return policy.

Some of my tips:

  • Try to match your foundations and powders to your neck.  Unless the rest of your body is darker or lighter than your neck for the most part--then you might want to try applying some foundation that matches your body to both your face AND your neck.  Because everyone’s coloring is different and most people’s bodies are different colors all over, there is a bit of an art to choosing the right foundation shade.  You can have someone help you, or just go with what you are comfortable with.  But when in doubt, most people should feel comfortable simply matching their foundation to the color of their neck.
  • When in doubt about contouring, I bet nobody’s told you this, but you can choose a powder only a shade or two darker than your actual skin tone to get yourself comfortable with it first.  You don’t have to dive right in and go three shades deeper if you’re not ready for that yet!!!  Aren’t I a genius??  Yes, yes I am…*Pats self on the back. :P

Enjoy your makeup shopping!!!!  I hope I simplified things for you.  I think when it comes down to makeup and shopping in general, simplification helps you save time, money, and energy so you can just focus on enjoying life, and not worry so much about the little stuff.